
Grandma daycare

Today, started babysitting for Bristol .

Canning garlic 2016

This is my first time too can garlic so I'll show you my steps along the way.  I have to recipes and going to try tonight one is just preserving the garlic I'm going to can it and the other one is I'm going to try pickle and some garlic so that will be tonight. This garlic is so beautiful I will have to plant some this fall This is my garlic pickled, canned and I also froze some big cloves.

Making plum wine

First step is to wash the plums I have 5 gallons of plums yellows and reds and I have put for camper tablets and there's to sterilize and Preserve and I have put 2 teaspoons of pectin enzyme it's to increase the juice shield from the fruit pictures in the moment.. The date is the 14th of August and I will leave these plums it for 3 to 4 days and I will stir them twice a day. Well this weekend Dec 4th 2016 we moved the wine into new carboys and tested it. It only tested at 2-3 so I added some sugar water and hope it works a little longer. Think I need a heating blanket for it.


It is important for everyone of us to exercise their rights to vote! Yes I voted today! But the main reason for me to write about this is my dreams - I dreamt I was in a many story building and had to climb each story and obstacle to get there to vote. I think there is always these that weighs on mind about who to vote for and what our heart is telling us. I had to go thru all these different people trying to keep me from go up to vote - really profound! Vote - our votes have to count!!!

Nov 11,2015

Quilt of Valor & ceremony

6th of July -first day off work.

Got up normal time, played my games and checked my emails. Got Ivan  off to work, walked 2 miles and did my complete body workout 21 day fix. Filed my unemployment,called on Ivan's medicine,  made my appt for Friday, cleaning my closet and dresser. Was going to work outside but waited for Ivan's dr to call back and didn't want to miss it. Talk to Janet and Lorrie also.